Custom training simulators

Effective training with a simulator

Using simulators can help ensure that the developed machines can be put into efficient use as quickly as possible, which guarantees high productivity, utilisation rate and profitability of the machines.

Picture of two persons where the other is driving a training simulator while the other is giving instructions on how to use the machine.

The machine’s control system can be integrated into the simulator, allowing all machine functions to be trained safely and cost-effectively with the simulator.

A picture of a person adjusting the electronic wiring of a simulator.

Benefits of a custom training simulator

  • A cost-effective, safe and ecological way to organise training for users and maintenance personnel in a controlled environment.
  • Machine operation skills can be trained safely, using the genuine control system.
  • An excellent tool for the marketing of new machine models.
  • Actual machines can be used for productive work.
  • Manoeuvres can be repeated several times, which improves learning results and helps to identify the best working techniques.

Simulator training

Reduce costs and risks

When training with actual machines, there is a higher risk of both personal injuries and damage to the machine in the hands of an untrained operator. With a simulator, different situations can be practised virtually and safely several times, giving the operator a broader knowledge of the machine’s various functionalities before entering the work machine and working environment. Simulator and controls that simulate the operation of a real machine provide the operator with the most realistic training environment possible.

The training simulators include machine control, work technique and work planning exercises. For example, operators can practise extensive on-site exercises or individual work steps, such as unloading or loading. There can be major differences in productivity between operators due to their skills in operating the machine and ability to plan their own work. During use, the simulator collects a wide range of data and generates a report that is used to evaluate performance and track progress. The training simulator is also a safe environment for self-study, as simulator training does not require the constant presence of an instructor. Drivers can perform exercises independently, increasing training time cost-effectively and safely.

A custom training simulator is an excellent way to increase the efficiency of machine commissioning, as familiarisation with the machine features can begin before it arrives on site.

Training management

The SimTrainer training management software makes operator and driver training systematic and easy to manage

The SimTrainer available for custom training simulators provides a clear structure and sequence for simulator exercises, which is an essential part of the effective and systematic use of the simulator. To support the exercises, clear instructions are given on what the goal of the exercise is and how it should be carried out. Results are saved as separate performance reports and allow trainers to analyse the trainee’s skills and development.

SimTrainer also provides excellent support for self-study, as the trainee is directed to the exercises assigned to them when logging in to SimTrainer with their own credentials. As drivers can perform exercises independently, the number of training sessions can be increased cost-effectively and safely.

Illustration of a person sitting in front of a desk and working on the computer.

SimTrainer benefits for the instructor

  • The training content can be divided into exercise modules, as necessary
  • The trainees can be divided into groups
  • Personal credentials are used for login
  • Enables individual learning paths
  • Easy tracking of the results and progress of training
  • Gradual increase in difficulty level.
  • Clear frameworks and a consistent plan for self-study.

Did you know that the simulator can be used throughout the entire product lifecycle?

Contact us

Kimmo Rintala

Simulator Services


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